Kyle Yip, also known as Discrete, is a transdisciplinary, JUNO Award-nominated artist renowned for pioneering the hypersurrealist movement. Born in Scarborough, Canada, in 1988, Yip studied at Sheridan College and OCAD University before launching an international career spanning contemporary visual art, electronic music, film, and haute couture fashion.
Yip's work has been exhibited worldwide, including at JanKossen Contemporary in New York, The Factory in London, and the CICA Museum in South Korea. His debut album, The Midas Touch, earned him a JUNO Nomination for Best Electronic Album in 2016, and his video work has received recognition at the Austin Music Video Festival and the Kinsale Shark Awards.
Beyond his individual creations, Yip is also the visionary behind Savvy Records, a platform for eclectically curated music that has become an influential presence in Toronto's nightlife and the wider electronic music scene. Known for his fusion of jazz, disco, and soul within his deep-house and techno productions, Yip is currently perfecting his sophomore album while cultivating a global community of artists and listeners. Sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts and a finalist in the Arte Laguna Prize 2023, Yip's artistic future is filled with promise and anticipation.